Animal Waste Management Systems. Source: Animal Waste Management Systems - Livestock, Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA).
Category:  Manure Management
Practice Type:  Structural, Management
Landuse/Agriculture Type:  Animal Confinement
Climatic Zones:  Temperate, Semiarid, Tropical
Regions:  North America, South Asia, Europe
Pollutants Treated:  Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sediment
N Efficiency1:  75%
P Efficiency1:  75%
S Efficiency1:  N/A
Description: Animal waste management systems properly handle, store, and ensure proper utilization of wastes generated from confined animal operations. They collect waste from production areas and store it in appropriate structures such as tanks, lagoons, sheds, and pits. Properly collecting and storing the manure allows the producer to determine the appropriate time for land application, preventing nutrient runoff and leaching.
Implementation Considerations: To minimize the effects of storage facilities on nearby water bodies, animal waste management systems should not be located in flood plains.
Scalable to small farms? Yes
1 "Documentation: Source Data, BMP Effectiveness Values." Chesapeake Assessment Scenario Tool. Web. 2013. .
2 Estimates of County-level Nitrogen and Phosphorus Data for Use in Modeling Pollutant Reduction Documentation for Scenario Builder Version 2.2." Chesapeake Bay. Dec. 2010. Web. May 2013.