Bioswale, Photo Courtsey of Natural Resources Conservation Service Iowa.
Category:  Filtration, Infiltration
Practice Type:  Structural
Climatic Zones:  Temperate
Regions:  North America
Pollutants Treated:  Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sediment
N Efficiency1:  10-70%
P Efficiency1:  10-75%
S Efficiency1:  50-80%
Description: Vegetative open channels are practices that convey stormwater runoff and provide treatment as the water is conveyed. Runoff passes through either vegetation in the channel, subsoil matrix, and/or is infiltrated into the underlying soils. Typically, channels are constructed for conveyance with treatment occurring as water is conveyed. Channels designed for infiltration are known as bioswales.
Implementation Considerations: Design calculations must be done by a qualified engineer familiar with hydrology and hydraulics. This practice will have detailed design standards for slope, velocity, infiltration rates, width, residence time, manning n value, maintenance, pipe placement,soil amendments, and various other design elements.
Scalable to small farms? No
1 "Documentation: Source Data, BMP Effectiveness Values." Chesapeake Assessment Scenario Tool. Web. 2013. .
2 Simpson, Thomas, and Sarah Weammert. "Developing Best Management Practice Definitions and Effectiveness Estimates for Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Sediment in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed." Chesapeake Bay Program. Dec. 2009. Web. June 2013.