NRCS employees in Monterey County, CA works on stream restoration project. Photographer: Lynn Betts. Photo Courtsey: USDA NRCS
Category:  Wetland Creation/Restoration
Practice Type:  Structural
Landuse/Agriculture Type:  Row Crop, Pasture, Fodder, Rice
Climatic Zones:  Temperate, Semiarid, Tropical
Regions:  North America, Europe, South America, South Asia, Africa
Pollutants Treated:  Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sediment
Description: Stream restoration is the process of converting unstable, altered and degraded stream corridors, riparian zones and flood plains to natural and stable conditions. Stream restoration can include streambank stabilization, restoring riparian vegetation, meandering of the stream bed, installation of stormwater management facilities, and wetland creation. Stream restoration reduces nutrients by reducing erosion and runoff (through stabilization of the streambank and restoration of riparian zones) in addition to restoring stream nutrient attenuation functions through remeandering of streams.
Implementation Considerations: Stream restoration costs can be substantial, but streambank stabilization can be critical for saving adjacent arable lands.
Scalable to small farms? Yes