Ecologist David Spencer (right) and technician Greg Ksander collect an Arundo donax leaf sample for tissue nitrogen analysis. Photo by Peggy Greb. Photo Courtsey of USDA ARS.
Category:  Nutrient Management
Practice Type:  Management
Landuse/Agriculture Type:  Row Crop
Climatic Zones:  Temperate, Semiarid, Tropical
Regions:  North America, South Asia, Europe
Pollutants Treated:  Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sediment
Description: Plant tissue analysis shows the nutrient status of plants at the time of sampling. This, in turn, shows whether soil nutrient supplies are adequate. The most important use of plant analysis is as a monitoring tool for determining the adequacy of current fertilization practices. Sampling a crop periodically during the season or once each year provides a record of its nutrient content that can be used through the growing season or from year to year. With soil test information and a plant analysis report, a producer can closely tailor fertilization practices to specific soil-plant needs.
Implementation Considerations: Lab results and interpretations depend on the quality of the sample and the quality of the testing lab. Test costs in the United States are around $5 - $7 USD per sample. Applicability of this BMP will depend on proximity to qualified labs and extension services.
Scalable to small farms? No
Scaling Considerations: Will require training in sampling methods and the capacity to access quality labs. Lab results and interpretations depend on the quality of the sample and the quality of the testing lab. Test costs in the United States are around $5 - $7 USD per sample. Applicability of this BMP will depend on proximity to qualified labs and extension services.
1 Johnston, Adrian, Tom Jensen, David Franzen, and Jon Stika. "Fertilizer Best Management Practices: Suggested Practices for Semiarid North Dakota." International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI). Web. Jan. 2014.$FILE/NGP BMP.pdf .